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Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

This soldier 'lost his identity' after leaving the army but found it again where he had been deployed

PTSD, anxiety and depression dogged Michael Jefferies after he left the military, but he was able to start healing in an unexpected place.
Michael Jeffries was diagnosed with PTSD and major depressive disorder after he left the Australian army.

Former cop finds new life after moving from career focused on crime to one that's all about creativity

For 20 years, the police force was Maggie Deall's identity. But when she was medically discharged in 2021, she says she was left without a sense of self.
a woman smiling with various colourful paintings situated behind her

New Tasmanian spins a way around post-traumatic stress disorder through mobile yarn business

Jaymi Milic moved to Tasmania and started a horse float-based yarn store in a bid to reduce her post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms, and it is working.
A woman in a red shirt smiling to camera with a horse float filled with colourful yarn-related products in the background.

After a decade of service, James struggled to adjust to life after war — then he found ballet

Veterans are swapping combat boots for ballet shoes as part of a new program aimed at helping improve their mental health.
Larissa Fletcher and James Wilfred-Derby dancing

Women who fled conflict for a new life are turning to dolls to help deal with the past

A doll-making class in Perth's northern suburbs is helping refugee women make sense of the trauma they have experienced while raising awareness of mental health.
A group of fabric dolls laying on a table.

Music helps Kev find his voice again after near-fatal motorcycle accident

Kev Mauger suffered horrific head trauma and injuries after being catapulted over his motorcycle handlebars four years ago. Despite being told he would never play guitar again, his love for music has been key in his recovery.
A man wearing a blue, black and white shirt playing the guitar to two young children

'You can't quit': CJ's marathon for charity didn't stop, even after injury

When he learned 60 men an hour take their lives globally, CJ wanted to do something to help. Project 60 saw him complete a 60km marathon every day for one month, starting before dawn each day.
A man running along the Townsville waterfront at dawn

How surfing is helping Andrew deal with 16 years of trauma from his job as a paramedic

As the sun rises on a chilly Wollongong morning, a group of about 20 people gather for the Waves of Wellness program, each with their own unique story to tell.
A group of people sit in a circle on surfboards, on a beach at sunrise.

Norman Swan discusses an epidemic of PTSD from the Gaza Israel conflict

Dr Norman Swan discusses an epidemic of PTSD from the Gaza Israel conflict.
ABC News Current
Duration: 3 minutes 17 seconds

Powerful images of 'reluctant heroes' help veterans reclaim trauma

Getting veterans from the frontline to sit in front of a camera can be a challenge, but Mick Jones has photographed more than 50 ex-service personnel, sparking conversations about service, sacrifice and humanity.
Three veterans wearing service medals

When this teacher rode 12,000km around Australia, he didn't expect to help so many people

Bob Sheridan did not seek help to deal with the trauma of his childhood until he was in his 60s. When he decided to champion a cause dear to his heart, he did not imagine the impact it would have.
Bob Sheridan riding through the Kimberly, WA

Live sport can be challenging for neurodivergent fans. Here's what support is available at the Women's World Cup

FIFA is providing assistance to fans with autism, ADHD and PTSD, in the form of sensory rooms, visual cue cards and more. But does more need to be done?
A woman wearing a bright yellow jacket sits on an oversized soccer ball, a child sits on her lap. They're on a football field.

Psychedelics — Healing the Spirit?

Using psychedelics to treat depression and trauma has just become legal in Australia. But it's not without risk.
ABC News Current
Duration: 32 seconds

Women reveal birth trauma 'nightmares' in the Illawarra Shoalhaven health district

Several women reveal their birth traumas at an event in Wollongong, saying the experiences left them suffering "flashbacks and nightmares" and unwilling to have more children.
woman with black hair and white jumper

Georgie's son died in a jumping castle tragedy. Almost 18 months on, she says she feels 'forgotten'

The mother of a boy killed in the Hillcrest jumping castle tragedy says consultation over recovery efforts has been lacking – leaving her feeling the family has been "forgotten".
Zane Mellor in a pool reaches for the camera.

'We are invisible': Veteran Del says women still asked whose medals they are wearing

Women make up 20 per cent of Australia's armed forces but ex-servicewomen marching on Anzac Day say they are routinely asked who they are marching for.
a woman wearing war medals on the lapel of her jacket sitting down behind a table and looking at the camera

'I'm a police officer': Off-duty cop caught on CCTV assaulting man in the street avoids jail

A former police officer who hit a man during a street fight avoids jail and is ordered to do community work after being found guilty of perverting the course of justice and assault.
Todd Barry Apted looks at the camera.

Warren and Geert had just met when they hiked up a mountain together. Then their lives changed forever

Nature was always Warren's "antidote" to a busy life. Then he had a devastating accident on Hinchinbrook Island and didn't know if he'd make it out alive.
A young Geert and Warren in hospital.

Rain triggers anxiety, emotional 'meltdowns' in children who lived through floods, report finds

An estimated 4,000 children in NSW will need intensive trauma support following the February and March floods disasters of last year, a new report has found.
A paper rectangle on a table with 'floods' and writing and blue colouring.

Alex's parents trusted he would be safe with a disability provider. He never came home

Five years ago, Alex Raichman's parents entrusted a disability services provider to look after him while they were away. He never came home.

TGA approves psilocybin and MDMA for use in treating depression and PTSD

Australia's medical regulator has approved the use of psychedelics to treat some mental health conditions, making the country one of the first in the world to "officially recognise MDMA and psilocybin as medicines".
A small brown mushroom sprouts from dark green grass

Arrest of suspect in US university killings ‘a relief’ to Idaho campus

The arrest of a murder suspect more than 4,000 kilometres away means that students at the University of Idaho "will sleep better tonight", says a IU professor, after four friends were stabbed as they slept last month. 
A group of female students in winter clothes stand together holding candles in vigil

analysis:The impacts of birth trauma are debilitating — and not just for new mums

For some new parents, the biggest challenge following a traumatic birth is the impact it can have on their relationship with their baby, writes Alix Woolard.
Side view of new mother comforting her newborn while crying.

Sally faced needing a full-time carer, so she got a support dog instead. The NDIA didn't think it was 'value for money'

There are calls for the National Disability Insurance Agency to change the way it provides funding for some people with assistance dogs, with advocates reporting people with mental health conditions are being knocked back despite life-changing results. 
A dog gives his paw to a woman to shake as they play in the park

This driver didn't know his licence was suspended. He now has to go to court

The ABC has found seven drivers who say their licences were suspended on medical grounds, but VicRoads didn't tell them. They are calling for urgent changes to how VicRoads communicates with motorists.
An older man with white hair and black glasses stands in front of a white car.