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Outgoing ATO boss 'really shocked' by scale of 'bizarre' TikTok GST fraud that cost billions

Outgoing ATO boss Chris Jordan said "Australians love their work-related expense deductions" and abolishing them in favour of lower personal income tax rates "would be a big step". 
ATO Commissioner Chris Jordan speaks at the National Press Club.

Mascot Towers ordeal close to end after five years as multi-million payout deal agreed for unit owners

Residents of the uninhabitable complex in Sydney will still incur major losses, but the deal will provide some resolution nearly five years after cracks were discovered in the building.
a big building with balconies

'Those men would have died': Inside the remote community that helped rescue 39 foreigners in Western Australia

More details are emerging of how shocked locals rescued boat arrivals from the bush and why one mystery remains. What happened to the boat and how did the skipper get away? 
A Kimberley beach at sunset, with a ridge of deep orange rocks near the shoreline and purple flowering vegetation

Victorian Liberal defamation battle puts gifts to MPs under spotlight

Victorian MPs can receive gifts of up to $599 without disclosing the payments to taxpayers under a little-known system, raising questions about undue influence and political transparency.
Liberal party MP Moira Deeming exits from a joint party meeting, wearing a blue dress.

Clubs try to stop historic venues from being bulldozed for 2032 Olympics

Accusations fly thick and fast as a David and Goliath battle to save historic sports clubs in Toowoomba boils over. 
A teenage boy playing lawn bowls.

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